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Allaad Rehm

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M.E. Rehm

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Shang's Rebellion
Ten Novels

This Grand First & Third-Person Narrative follows the story of Sumick, a valuable Healer in a poisoned world, turned Rebel with his quest to cure all that which ails humanity. For fans of Magic, Slow-Paced, yet Rich in Character Narrative. While sequential novels can be read standalone, just fine.

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Chronicles of Nay

This Unique Second-Person Narrative follows the same story from three distinct perspectives; a slave, a princess, and an outcast, as their two races struggle to coexist on a desert planet. For fans of High-Fantasy Worlds, Poetry, Politics & More. Enjoy in whatever order you please.

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Five Novels

This Series is a direct conversation between the reader and the author designed to mentor the lost to a sure and stable footing. For fans of Mental-Discipline, Truth, Order & Personal Responsibility, or otherwise lacking in these things. Secular in Approach. Read in inspired order, unless stated otherwise.

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Browse These Standalone Novels, No Commitment Necessary
Coming Oct. 31, 24
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This Standalone Novel follows Jyn, a talented young shapeshifter as she traipses across a world brimmed with clashing sects of magic and tradition; all united around hating her and her cruel nature. For fans of Horror,  Complex Magic Systems, High-Stakes Plots & More.

The Beginning Island
Available Now

This Standalone Novel was based off of an eventful game of Catan. The colors turned to nations built upon the personality of the player and history determined by the role of the dice. For fans of Intricate Worlds, Unique Narration, Games & More.

Raven Signs
Coming Much Later

This Standalone Novel centers on a tribe that worships the Raven as a God, and a young woman as she struggles to obey her signs which point to increasingly disastrous results. For fans of Family & Woman-Centered Stories, Religion, Native Life & More.

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This Non-Fiction Trilogy is an indirect conversation of the author's ruminating thoughtfully over what works and doesn't work in the government of nations, morality, and the sciences. For fans of Justice, Mercy, the Exploration of Truth & Efficient Systems.

Available Now

The Government That Lasts
M.E. Rehm
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This Five Volume Fantasy Series follows the story of Califf Janeway and his sudden and unconditional entrance into a war, bounced between each side: Captor to Rescuer, each with their own version of peace.

Coming Much Later

Allaad Rehm
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This Fantasy Trilogy from the World of Elavo follows Weikan, a Nyugen Clan woman as she betrays her family, customs & traditions in the search of truth.

Coming Whenever

Allaad Rehm
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This Three Part Set takes place in a High-Fantasy world following a young man dating a women who sucks him into a world of crime he doesn't remember asking for.

Coming Eventually

Allaad Rehm

Study By Principle

Stories exist to expound truth as we know it. Whether more digestible in fiction or laid out plainly in non-fiction, the principle is the same. To expand further on the knowledge portrayed in any book, check out their corresponding counterpart; either fantastical or simple.

How To Achieve Happiness vs Shang's Rebellion

How To Think For Yourself vs Raven Signs

The Equation of Ultimate Creation vs The Chronicles of Nay

Humanities Defeat and Revival vs Elavo

Male: The Key to Corruption vs Califf Janeway
Female: The Handbook of Investigation vs Weikan

The Art of Beauty vs Bae

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