Shang's Rebellion

A fourteen-year-old born to be a healer struggles over the course of a year with the morality of war.

Healer's Secret

On a poisoned planet, Anatha, a great healer, has three heirs: Conver, Sumick, and Mayala.

Though young these three siblings were born and trained to replace their mother as the greatest healers in the land. These are their stores: Sumick as he attempts to hide his biggest secret and just how ill he is. Conver as he struggles to protect his little siblings while part of a rebellion. And Mayala as Anatha starts her training to be the next Master Healer.

Broken Dam

Shang's Rebellion has three linchpins to its potential success: Shang, Yaven, and Sumick. 

Shang, who started the rebellion to suit his ego. Yaven, the Miner King on the cusp of adulthood fighting for his and his nation's freedom. And Sumick, an esteemed healer, kidnapped by the former to legitimize Shang's Rebellion in the eyes of the people. 

Metal Clothing

Coming Soon

On a poisoned planet, the tide of a war is changed by three key inventors: Sunen, Begala, and Sumick. 

Sunen, a runaway blacksmith with ideas far too volatile for civilized life. Begala, a young animal trainer who's best friend is injured. And Sumick, a disowned healer and hostage of war who knows how to help. Each with their own reason to be there that has nothing to do with rebellion, together these three unwittingly supply a dishonored warrior with a possible way to win his once doomed war. 


Coming Soon

War begins, the fate of a nation forever changed by the decisions of three children: Sumick, Conver, and Anya.

Sumick, who struggles to decide between doing no harm as a healer, verses his duties as hostage and adviser of a war. Conver, who teeters between a secret he promised to withhold for someone he loves, or reveal it for the greater good of a nation. And Anya, a servant torn on whether to uphold her family legacy, or betray it for the injustices she has seen. All three possess a secret they must either share for the greater outcome of the war, or continue to hide for the benefit of one. 


Coming Soon

In the midst of a war, three children are on the brink of collapse: Sumick, Mayala, and Shang. 

Sumick, as everything he thought was honorable and true is challenged. Mayala, a young healer, thrust into a world where she is expected to heal on par to her mother's renown whilst her training is still ongoing. And Shang, the figurehead of the Rebellion, ripped away from the very reason he started the war to fulfill others' expectations of his event. 

Deepest Caverns

Coming Later

In the depths of despair three children assist each other out of their respective darkness: Yaven, San, and Sumick. 

Yaven, imprisoned and beaten, silenced by a jealous king, refuses to be freed only to be sidelined from the battle due to his injuries. San, a desperate food-gatherer plagued by nightmares of starvation, struggles to keep the nation fed while it falls apart to ruin and chaos. And Sumick, desperate for answers no one alive can give him, must develop them for himself if he is to be of help to anyone. With no time to spare for either task as the Rebellion accelerates, Sumick must act while left in the dark. 


Coming Later...

Final Notes

Coming Much Later...

Ranain Refuges

Coming Much Later ...

Katha's Rain

Coming Whenever ...

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