How To Achieve Happiness

Are you sad? Do you feel depressed and you don't know why? 
How to Achieve Happiness is a conversation between you and the author to discover why you don't know and how to overcome sorrow in your life. Based on the author's experience and through a process called analytical math answers can be found in ordinary words. Doing what makes you happy is momentary pleasure, whereas actually achieving happiness is a lasting state of joy no matter the circumstance. 
Which version of the word do you prefer to live?

How To Think For Yourself 

Do you like hating yourself?
Would you like that to change? Have you ever considered that maybe you hate yourself for a reason, and if you want that to stop YOU have to change first. This book contains how to switch your nature, how to think for yourself, and how to become someone with high self-esteem. 
But to do so you must be willing tear down your self-hatred to the roots, and build something new in its place. 
You have been warned.

Humanities Defeat

Humanities. The field of study outside the typical STEM: science, technology, engineering, and math. 
A new generation has reached adulthood. One insulated from combative ideas in the universities, and the humanities changed to pander to their every whim. Whether this is good for them, or for society as a whole, the math says otherwise. 
Math is a process of connecting actions to consequences, and through a process called analytical math (mapping and predicting behavior and mindset) the future is certain on this conflict-allergic generation.

The Equation of Ultimate Creation

You want to make good art, yes? There are many opinions, self-help techniques, quotes, and methods shared all confident in their version of how to create something good. But what is true?
Truth is observable through what works. Truth cannot lie. Truth is the rule of math. 
And analytical math is a process for understanding truth in intellectual spheres. In this book you will learn what is holding us back as artists; what limits your creativity and imagination; and what stops you from finishing your masterpieces. All to learn what you can do, through the process of Equations, to become an ultimate creator. 
Someone with no end of ideas. No end in publication. And no creation left unfulfilled.

Humanities Revival

Humanities. The field of study outside the typical STEM; science, technology, engineering, and math. Except all are one. And all of humanity's studies are on the brink of disintegration. 
A new generation is rising, one broken and mutilated by the conflict-allergic of the past. And one taught a very real lesson about the confusion the humanities bring. Where can stability be found, but in truth?
Truth is framed in mathematical language. And this, the final book of five, teaches all. Confusion can be a useful tool, but the time has come for mysteries to be revealed, and the clarity that comes with its result. 


Shang's Rebellion



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